Dear Ynique,

It’s been over two months since I’ve last visited you, but I think about you all the time. I’m sorry, you haven’t been getting the attention deserve, but I’ve just been really, really busy. I’ll never do this to you again and I mean it. I’ve got a lot in store for you in the coming weeks so, can I cut the sappy bullshit and tell you about my visit to the Broad?



When The Broad first opened its doors on September 20th, residents and tourists of LA flooded its gates. Lines were out the door and online reservation slots filled up like rapid fire. Shannon and I jumped on it faster than you can say “Barbara Streisand.” After two long awaited months, it was time to join the hype.

The Broad is my new favorite museum. Sorry Getty, you’re not #1 in my life anymore. It’s the perfect mix of modern and contemporary art with an eclectic flair. It houses the type of art that’s interesting and fun to look at rather than the kind you appreciate because it made it in your 7th grade history book.

While we didn’t get to gawk over Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room, due to separate reservations unbeknownst to us, we did spend copious amounts of time admiring Jeff Koons’ mirrored stainless steel sculptures, Andy Warhol’s classic pop art, and Takashi Murakami’s life size cartoon figurines.

There’s a lot to see inside this white honeycomb-like building on Bunker Hill and I highly recommend making the trip if you haven’t already. Los Angeles never ceases to amaze me with it’s never ending list of must-see destinations and The Broad definitely makes the cut.