I’ve spent the last two new years with my best friend Shannon Duke and I wouldn’t have it any other way. This was the second consecutive year we made a trip down to San Diego to see our favorite DJ duo Gorgon City. We packed our carry-on spinners with the essentials (outfit for the night, vodka, Canon DSLR Camera, and disco ball cups) and jet down to the Wyndham San Diego Bayside. If you follow me on Snapchat (yasmin_misty), you’ll find that there’s never a dull moment between my best friend and I. Most of the drive was spent trying to focus on the road while filming videos of ourselves head banging to Modest Mouse’s Lonesome Crowded West.

We arrived safely after a mildly dreadful 3 hour drive down the 405 and checked into our double queen ocean view room. First thing’s first: open the blinds. A beautiful landscape of deep blue, sparkling water, sun setting over the marina beamed was our backdrop and we couldn’t help but gawk for the next hour.

With tummies grumbling, it was time to grab some food. Little did we know, we were walking distance to a ton of eateries and even our venue for the night. We strolled through Little Italy in hopes to find something open on a new year’s eve. We stopped at a little spot called Giovanni’s by the train station for some healthy pizza before heading back to the room to get ready for the night.

The event was held at the Music Box in San Diego, a three story intimate venue and a perfect setting for the evening. We were able to dodge what looked like an hour and a half line by name dropping a made up human being and saying we were his plus 2. I practically died when we got in.

Whenever we go dancing, we always like to dress comfortable no matter what the environment. We were probably the only girls in black and comfortable boots amongst the glitz and glam of new year’s fashion. We danced our hearts out to the blood pumping baseline and melodic vocals of our favorite group before the venue shut down at 2pm. We took a brisk stroll back to the hotel since freezing our butts off was more cost efficient than a $50 minimum Uber.

We drifted off to sleep after patio chilling and pillow talk. Before you know it, we were waking up to a blaring IPhone alarm clock and it was time to head back to Los Angeles. It’s always a bittersweet moment when a staycation comes to an end. But, only sweet because I get to go home to my precious furry child Sophie.

Shannon and I always have the best of times when we’re together and I’m so blessed to have such an amazing best friend and partner in life. Shredding mad cheese on the blog right now, but I wouldn’t be where I am without her. Here’s a little sneak peek into our trip and the havoc we wreak when we’re together. Don’t forget to follow me on YouTube and stay tuned for more from Ynique.